

Before sharing anything about myself, I’d like to take a moment to say how happy I am that you came across my little blog! Whatever means you went through to reach me, I am so glad that you have arrived. Now that you’re here, I can move on to sharing a little bit about the dreamer behind the doodles.

My name is Rae, and I’ve spent most of my years on earth so far expressing my creativity in some way. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been experimenting with one form of creating in one way or another. I was frequently found doodling, painting, reading, writing, working on a new DIY project, discovering new ways to explore and express my creativity, or making something yummy in the kitchen.

Along my creative journey, I’ve come across a few things that really spoke to me and I learned I was actually not half bad at them. While I’ve gone through phases in my life and left a few things behind that I’m not as passionate about anymore, there are a couple I keep coming back to no matter how much time has passed, and I decided to use those for something I can share with people from all over the world.

My Journaling History

In the beginning of 2016, I was a part of a 30-day bible journaling challenge that changed my life. Each day, I’d share the page I had created on Instagram and also share any thoughts or what I got from that day’s challenge. The response from the community changed my life, and I couldn’t believe how many other people there were out there that thought what I had to say applied to where they were in their lives. Ladies from all over the world were telling me I was talented and inspirational, and I was incredibly touched. It was a talent I didn’t know I had, and after some time away from it, God has put it on my heart that bible journaling and devotionals are part of His path for me.

Something I’ve always had a weakness for is journals. Every bookfair in school, I’d find some beautiful new journal and convince my mom to get it for me only for it to sit unused on my shelf because I “didn’t want to ruin it”. Now that I’m an adult, I can honestly say nothing has changed; I still have countless unused journals or ones with only the first page written on, and I continue to find (and maybe buy) more. So when I learned about bullet journaling and what it was all about, I was highly intrigued. After doing my research in 2017 to see if it was right for me, I decided to jump into the world of bullet journaling but didn’t actually begin until mid-2018. In that short time, I have learned heaps and bounds, and I’ve discovered what does and doesn’t work for me.

Blog Goals

My intentions for my little blog is to share what I’ve learned throughout my journey in hopes that you, too, can utilize your full potential in life while still having the ability to express your creativity. A great man and public figure mentioned a few times how a creative person must be able to have an outlet, or they’ll be miserable, and that its nearly impossible for a creative person to make a livable wage from whatever medium they like to express themselves in.

I hope to be able to bridge the gap between creativity and productivity here, and help you find the inspiration and motivation you need to become a better, happier, version of yourself living a life full of purpose. Whether you’re here specifically for bullet journaling, bible journaling, devotionals, or a combination of the three, I aspire to assist you in finding the perfect (or almost perfect) balance of creativity and growth right where you are.

My final word and only caveat is this: while I am a perfectionist at heart when it comes to something I create, I am by no means perfect. I’m flawed and make mistakes, and I’ll continue to make them in life and in the things I create. Hiding behind the anonymity the internet provides can create a mirage that illustrates perfection in others, and it can be easy to compare where you are with where it seems they are and be disappointed in yourself. My life is far from perfect and if seeing or reading things I’ve posted here gives you that illusion, I’m here to let you know that is certainly not the case.

You don’t have to be skilled in any artistic medium in order to be welcome here. You, where you are right now, are welcome here. Broken, tired, burnt out, uninspired, you are welcome here. No matter what walk of life you come from or what your background is, you are welcome here. Whoever you are, and wherever you’re from, I’m glad you’re here and I hope you’ve come to stay. The ride might not be perfect, but at least we can add a few sprinkles on it and make it something beautiful along the way.